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Wildlife Nation  >  Episode 9

Join host Jeff Corwin on an adventure across America to help save California condors and Massachusetts saltmarsh sparrows. First, Jeff travels to the spectacular coastline of Big Sur, California, to the renowned condor sanctuary of the Ventana Wildlife Society. Jeff helps prepare young condors for their new life in the wild and learns about how condors shape their environment - and how the environment shapes them. Later, Jeff travels to his home state to work alongside the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Wildlife on a mission to save a unique species of bird that only lives in salt marsh habitats of the East Coast.  

Black-Footed Ferret in Burrow
Image Credit
Kerry Hargrove/iStockphoto

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Behind the Scenes

California Condors: It Takes a Village to Save a Species

The story of the California condor is one of hope—and one that demonstrates that it truly takes a village to save a species from disappearing forever. Read more from our California program director on this inspirational American wildlife success story!


Wild Matters: Wake-up Call

Nearly 1 in 3 birds—or 29%—has disappeared in the U.S. and Canada since 1970. The loss is staggering and signals a widespread ecological crisis. This includes the rare and the common, from ones that migrate long distances to backyard regulars like sparrows. Learn more from our magazine!


Coexisting with California Condors

These giant birds play an important role in the ecosystem and in many Native American cultures, and their conservation story is one of hope and success. Read more about their journey and how Defenders staff are working to protect this majestic bird.

Hawksbill sea turtle
Jag_cz / Adobe Stock

America’s Wildlife Are Counting On You

Support Defenders of Wildlife in our mission to save endangered and imperiled species and the habitats they need to survive. Your support will ensure our expert team of scientists, lawyers, wildlife advocates and activists have the resources needed to drive lasting change for wildlife.


After the Show

Our Work

Defenders of Wildlife works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife and habitats across North America. Learn more about what we do!

For The Family

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Wildlife and Wild Places