Please Vote NO on H.R. 764

103 groups signed this letter urging representatives to vote NO on H.R. 764, the Trust the Science Act, which is expected to be considered on

Conservando la Vida Silvestre y los Sitios Silvestres de Nuevo Mexico

Desde los bosques subalpinos en el norte hasta el desierto de Chihuahua a lo largo de la frontera sur, Nuevo México es uno de los estados más biológicamente diversos del país.

Conoce al Ocelote un Sobreviviente de Texas

En el siglo 20, la pérdida de hábitat, los esfuerzos de erradicación de depredadores y la demanda voraz del comercio de pieles y mascotas afectaron gravemente a las poblaciones de ocelotes en todo el hemisferio occidental.

Meet the Ocelot, A Texas Survivor

In the 20th century, loss of habitat, predator eradication efforts and voracious demand from the fur and pet trades severely impacted ocelot populations throughout the Western Hemisphere.

Funding opportunities for land trusts to conserve wildlife habitat

With two-thirds of land in the Lower 48 under private ownership, many species of conservation concern, including federally protected species, depend on these woodlands, grasslands, wetlands, marshlands, rangelands, and croplands. Land trusts can serve an important role in protecting and recovering wildlife on private lands nationwide.

Land Trusts and Wildlife Conservation

With two-thirds of land in the Lower 48 under private ownership, many species of conservation concern depend on private land. Following are examples of land trusts conserving wildlife.

Wolverine Watchers Five-year Project Report

Citizen-Based Multi-Species Forest Carnivore Monitoring in the Bitterroot National Forest

2020 Accomplishment Highlights Report

Defenders' annual Accomplishments Report highlights our progress over the past year protecting wildlife and wild places across the organization.

Please Conserve Greater Sage-Grouse in the Final FY 2021 Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill

This is a letter groups are submitting today (11/18/2020) to Congressional leadership asking them to end the rider prohibiting the Fish and Wildlife Service from
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